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Avramidis K, Feng T, Parga M, Kommineni A, Cabrera A, Lucas G, Becerik-Gerber B, Roll S and Narayanan S.  (2024) “Unveiling Stress and Behavioral Patterns in Work Environments through Ubiquitous Sensing” CII 2024 (12th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction)

Brun A, Awada M, Becerik-Gerber B. (2024) “Towards Unveiling the Interplay of Occupant Health, Comfort and Building Energy Consumption,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, July 28-31, 2024, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

Sayedrezaei M, Becerik-Gerber B, Roll S, Lucas G. (2024) “A preliminary Investigation for Understanding Temperature’s Associations with Office Workers’ Psychological Well-Being: A Close Look into Anxiety, Motivation and Concertation,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, July 28-31, 2024, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ruying L, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G. (2024) “Investigating Role of Personal Factors in Shaping Responses to Active Shooter Incidents using Machine Learning,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, July 28-31, 2024, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Brun A, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G. (2024) “Toward Occupant-Centric Virtual Agents: A framework for Enhancing Office Workers’ Well-being and Building Energy Efficiency,” 31st EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Vigo, Spain – July 3-5, 2024.


Liu R, Wu W, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G. (2024) “Enhancing Building Safety Design for Active Shooter incidents: Insights on Exists from Reinforcement Learning-based Simulations,” 31st EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Vigo, Spain – July 3-5, 2024.


Parga M, Roll S, Lucas G, Becerik-Gerber B, Narayanan S (2024) “Differences in Self-Rated Worker Outcomes across Stress States: An Interim Analysis of Hybrid Worker Data,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, August 5 - 6, 2024



Liu R, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G, Busta K. (2023) “Development of a VR Training Platform for Active Shooter Incident Preparedness in Healthcare Environments via a Stakeholder-Engaged Process,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 25-28, 2023, Corvallis, Oregon

Rodrigues P, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman L, Roll S, Lucas G. (2023) “Virtual Environment to Study the Effects of Operational and Environmental Sound on Teleoperated Demolition,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 25-28, 2023, Corvallis, Oregon


Awada M, Seyedrezaei M, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G. (2023) “Investigating the Interplay between Indoor Environmental Quality and Workers' Health and Productivity: Preliminary Results,” ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 25-28, 2023, Corvallis, Oregon



Zhu R, Becerik-Gerber B, Lin J, Li N, (2021) “Modeling the Impact of Visual Access, and Crowd Flow on Human Indoor Emergency Wayfinding: from Empirical Investigations to Simulations,” ASCE 2021 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), September 12-14, 2021, Orlando, FL. 



Adami P, Doleck T, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman S, Copur-Gencturk Y, Lucas G. (2020) “An Immersive Virtual Learning Environment for Human-Robot Collaboration on Construction Sites,” Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, December 13-16, 2020, Orlando, FL. 



Aryal A, Becerik-Gerber B. (2019) “Skin Temperature Extraction Using Facial Landmark Detection and Thermal Imaging for Comfort Assessment,”6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2019), November 13-14, 2019,New York, NY 


Aryal A, Shah I, Becerik-Gerber B. (2019) “A Novel Method for Monitoring Air Speed in offices Using Low Cost Sensors,”ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-19, 2019, Atlanta, GA


Zhu R, Becerik-Gerber B, Lucas G, Southers E, Pynadath D. (2019) “Information Requirements for Virtual Environments to Study Human-Building Interaction during Active Shooter incidents,” ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-19, 2019, Atlanta, GA



Becerik-Gerber B, Druhora D, Gerber D, Cracchiola B. (2018) “Engineering Innovation for Global Challenges: Peacebuilding in Refugee Camps: Creating Innovators and Witnesses, WEEF-GEDC 2018 Peace Engineering, November 12-16, 2018, Albuquerque, NM


Aryal A, Anselmo F, Becerik-Gerber B. (2018) “Smart IoT Desk for Personalizing Indoor Environmental Conditions,” International Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Internet of Things Systems (HiL-IoT), October 15-18, 2018, Santa Barbara, CA


Zhu R, Lin J, Becerik-Gerber B, Li N. (2018) “Virtual Reality Based Studies of Human Emergency Behavior in Built Environments: A Systematic Review,” CONVR2018, The 18th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, Nov 21-23, 2018, Auckland, New Zealand


Moon S, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman L. (2018) “Virtual Learning for Workers in Robot Deployed Construction Sites,” 35th CIB W78 2018 Conference, October 1-3, 2018, Chicago, IL ​

Jazizadeh F, Afzalan, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman L. (2018) “EMBED: A Dataset for Energy Management through Building Electricity Disaggregation,” the Ninth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2018), June 12-15 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany

Khashe S, Lucas G, Becerik-Gerber B, Gratch, J. (2018) “Persuasive Effects of Immersion in Virtual Environments for Measuring Pro-Environmental Behaviors,” 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2018), July 20-25, 2018, Berlin, Germany 



Carneiro J, Becerik-Gerber B (2017) “Impact of Immersive and Interactive Information Visualization on Occupant’s Lighting Choices” Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-12 2017, Heraklion, Greece

Gokce O, Becerik-Gerber B, Ghahramani A, Wang Y. (2017) “Can Immersive Virtual Environment be Used for Understanding Occupant-System Interactions Under Thermal Stimuli?” Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), July 4-12 2017, Heraklion, Greece



Chen M, Soibelman L, Becerik-Gerber B. (2016) “A Proactive Scan Planning Framework for Courtyard Centric Buildings,” ICCCBE2016: 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, July 6 -8, 2016, Osaka, Japan

Heydarian A, Pantazis E, Gerber D, Becerik-Gerber B. (2016) “Defining Lighting Settings to Accommodate End-User Preferences While Reducing Energy Consumption in Buildings,” CRC 2016 Construction Research Congress (CRC2016), May 31-June 2, 2016, Puerto Rico



Yang Z, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “How Does Building Occupancy Influence Energy Efficiency of HVAC Systems,” CUE Low-Carbon Cities and Urban Energy, November 15-17, 2015, Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Yang Z, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Cross-Space Building Occupancy Modeling by Contextual Information Based Learning,” ACM International Conference On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, November 3-4, 2015, Seoul, South Korea [Acceptance Rate: 30%]

Ghahramani A, Tang C, Yang Z, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “A Study of Time Dependent Variations in Personal Thermal Comfort via a Dynamic Bayesian Network,” The First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE), October 5-6, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA

Heydarian A, Carneiro J P, Pantazis E, Gerber D, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Default Conditions: A Reason for Design to Integrate Human Factors,” The First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE), October 5-6, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA

Yang Z, Ghahramani A, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Effects of Variant Occupancy Transitions on Energy Implications of HVAC Setpoint/Setback Control Policies,” The First International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE), October 5-6, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA

Yang Z, Ghahramani A, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Iterative Reassignment Algorithm: Leveraging Occupancy Based HVAC Control for Improved Energy Efficiency,” Winter Simulation Conference, December 6-9, 2014, Huntington Beach, CA

Ghahramani A, Dutta K, Yang Z, Ozcelik G, Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Quantifying the Influence of Temperature Setpoints, Building and System Features on Energy Consumption,” Winter Simulation Conference, December 6-9, 2014, Huntington Beach, CA

Li N, Yang Z, Tang C, Chen N Becerik-Gerber B. (2015) “Impact of Building Occupancy on Assessing the Effectiveness of Energy Conservation Measures,” The 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 14-18 June, 2015, Oulu, Finland

Heydarian A, Pantazis E, Carneiro J P, Gerber D, Becerik-Gerber B (2015) “Towards Understanding End-user Lighting Preferences in Office Spaces by Using Immersive Virtual Environments,” ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 21 - 23, 2015, Austin, TX

Oskouie P, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman L. (2015) “A Data Quality-driven Framework for Asset Condition Assessment Using LiDAR and Image Data,” ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 21 - 23, 2015, Austin, TX – Nominated for the best paper award



Yang Z, Becerik-Gerber B. (2014) “Coupling Occupancy Information with HVAC Energy Simulation: A Systematic Review of Simulation Programs,” Winter Simulation Conference, December 7-10, 2014, Savannah, GA

Heydarian A, Carneiro J P, Gerber D, Becerik-Gerber B. (2014) “Towards Measuring the Impact of Personal Control on Energy Use Through the Use of Immersive Virtual Environments,” The 30th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), July 9-11, 2014, Sydney, Australia

Jazizadeh K, Becerik-Gerber B, Berges M, Soibelman L. (2014) “Unsupervised Clustering of Residential Electricity Consumption Measurements for Facilitated User-Centric Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE) 2014 & International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction - IT in Construction (CIB W78) 2014, June 23-25, 2014, Orlando, FL

Oskouie P, Becerik-Gerber B, Soibelman L. (2014) “Automated Cleaning of Point Clouds for Highway Retaining Wall Condition Assessment,” International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ISCCBE) 2014 & International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction - IT in Construction (CIB W78) 2014, June 23-25, 2014, Orlando, FL

Heydarian A, Gerber D, Carneiro J P, Becerik-Gerber B, Hayes T, Wood W. (2014) “Immersive Virtual Environments: Experiments on Impacting Design and Human Building Interaction,” CAADRIA2014, 19th International Conference on the Association of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, May 14-17, 2014, Kyoto, Japan



Mansourifard P, Jazizadeh F, Krishnamachari B, Becerik-Gerber B. (2013) “Online Learning for Personalized Room-Level Thermal Control: A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework,” 5th ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, November 13-14, 2013, Rome, Italy, 

Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Krishnamachari B, Soibelman L. (2013) “Evaluation of an Environment-Aware Sequence-Based Localization Algorithm for Building Fire Emergency Scenarios,” International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction - IT in Construction (CIB W78), 30th International Conference on Applications of Information Technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry, October 9-12, 2013, Beijing, China

Li N, Yang Z, Becerik-Gerber B, Orosz M. (2013) “Towards Energy Savings from a Bimodal Occupancy Driven HVAC Controller in Practice,” International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction - IT in Construction (CIB W78), 30th International Conference on Applications of Information Technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry, October 9-12, 2013, Beijing, China

Jazizadeh F, Becerik-Gerber B., Berges M, Soibelman L. (2013) “Towards Passive Training for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring,” 20th International Workshop of European Group of Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EGICE), July 1-3, 2013 in Vienna, Austria – Nominated for the best paper award – Invited paper to be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics

Li N, Kwak J, Becerik-Gerber B, Tambe M (2013) “Predicting HVAC Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings Using Multiagent Systems,” The 29th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), August 11-15, 2013, Montreal, Canada,

Jazizadeh F, Ghahramani A*, Becerik-Gerber B. (2013) “Personalized Thermal Comfort Driven Control in HVAC Operated Office Buildings,” ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 23-25, 2013, Los Angeles, CA, – Nominated for the best paper award – Invited paper to be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering


Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Krishnamachari B, Soibelman L. (2013) “An Environment-Aware Sequence-Based Localization Algorithm for Supporting Building Emergency Response Operations,” ASCE International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 23-25, 2013, Los Angeles, CA,

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Maheswaran R, Chang Y, Tambe M, Becerik-Gerber B, Wood W. (2013) “Why TESLA Works: Energy Saving Agent Leveraging Schedule Flexibility,” MASS2013, The 1st International Workshop on Multiagent-based Societal Systems, held in conjunction with the Ninth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), May 6-10, 2013, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA,

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Maheswaran R, Chang Y, Tambe M, Becerik-Gerber B, Wood W. (2013) ”TESLA: An Energy-Saving Agent that Leverages Schedule Flexibility,” Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), May 6-10, 2013, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA


Li N, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “An Infrastructure-Free Indoor Localization Framework to Support Building Emergency Response Operations,” 19th International Workshop of European Group of Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE), July 4-6, 2012 in Munich, Germany,

Jahanshahi M R, Jazizadeh F, Masri S, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “A Novel System for Road Surface Monitoring Using an Inexpensive Infrared Laser Sensor,” SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics), Smart Structures/NDE, March 11-15, 2012, San Diego, CA,

Kavulya G, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Understanding the Influence of Occupant Behavior on Energy Consumption Patterns in Commercial Buildings,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012, Clearwater Beach, FL,

Jazizadeh F, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Toward Adaptive Comfort Management in Office Buildings Using Participatory Sensing for End User Driven Control of Building Systems,” 4th ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, November 6, 2012, Toronto, Canada – Nominated for the best paper award,

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Maheswaran R, Tambe M, Jazizadeh J*, Kavulya G*, Klein L*, Becerik-Gerber B, Hayes T, Wood W. (2012) “Sustainable Multiagent Application to Conserve Energy,” - Demo Paper- Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), June 4-8, 2012, Valencia, Spain

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Maheswaran R, Tambe M, Jazizadeh J*, Kavulya G*, Klein L*, Becerik-Gerber B, Hayes T, Wood W. (2012) “SAVES: A Sustainable Multiagent Application to Conserve Building Energy,” Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), June 4-8, 2012, Valencia, Spain,

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Maheswaran R, Tambe M, Hayes T, Wood W, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Towards Robust Multi-objective Optimization Under Model Uncertainty in Energy Domains,” 3rd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems, June 5, 2012, Valencia, Spain

Jazizadeh F, Kavulya G, Kwak J, Becerik-Gerber B, Tambe M. (2012) “Human-Building Interaction for Energy Conservation in Office Buildings,” CRC 2012: Construction Research Congress, May 21-23, 2011, West Lafayette, IN,

Oskouie P, Gerber D, Alves T, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Extending the Interactions of Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction,” 20th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 18-20, 2012 in San Diego, California, USA

Li S, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Evaluating Physiological Load of Workers with Wearable Sensors,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012, Clearwater Beach, FL,

Li N, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “Assessment of a Smart Phone-Based Indoor Localization Solution for Improving Context Awareness in the Construction Industry,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012, Clearwater Beach, FL,

Jazizadeh F, Becerik-Gerber B. (2012) “A Novel Method for Non Intrusive Load Monitoring of Lighting Systems in Commercial Buildings,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012, Clearwater Beach, FL, – Nominated for the best paper award – Invited paper to be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering

Yang Z, Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Orosz M. (2012) “A Non-Intrusive Occupancy Monitoring System for Demand Driven HVAC Operations,” CRC 2012: Construction Research Congress, May 21-23, 2012, West Lafayette, IN,

Yang Z, Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Orosz M. (2012) “A Multi-Sensor Based Occupancy Estimation Model for Supporting Demand Driven HVAC Operations,” Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD), March 26-30, 2012, Orlando, FL,



Klein L, Kavulya G, Jazizadeh F, Kwak J, Becerik-Gerber B, Tambe M. (2011) “Towards Optimization of Building Energy and Occupant Comfort Using Multi Agent Simulation,” The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 29-July 2, 2011, Seoul, South Korea,

Li S, Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Calis G. (2011) “RFID-based Occupancy Detection Solution for Optimizing HVAC Energy Consumption,” The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, June 29-July 2, 2011, Seoul, South Korea,

Jazizadeh F, Kavulya G, Becerik-Gerber B. (2011) “Effects of Color, Distance and Incident Angle on Quality of 3D Point Clouds,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Li S, Li N, Calis G, Becerik-Gerber B. (2011) “Impact of Ambient Temperature, Tag/Antenna Orientation and Distance on the Performance of Radio Frequency Identification in Construction Industry,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Kavulya G, Gerber D, Becerik-Gerber B. (2011) “Designing In Complex System interaction: Multi-Agent Based Systems for Early Design Decision Making,” The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, June 29-July 2, 2011, Seoul, South Korea,

Li N, Li S, Becerik-Gerber B, Calis G*. (2011) “Design and Evaluation of Algorithm and Deployment Parameters for an RFID-Based Indoor Location Sensing Solution,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Jazizadeh F, Kavulya G, Klein L, Becerik-Gerber B. (2011) “Continuous Sensing of Occupant Perception with Indoor Ambient Factors,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Klein L, Li N, Becerik-Gerber B. (2011) “Comparison of Image-Based and Manual Field Survey Methods for Indoor As-Built Documentation Assessment,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Jog G M, Li S, Becerik-Gerber B, Brilakis I. (2011) “Civil and Environmental Engineering Challenges for Data Sensing and Analysis,” ASCE Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, Miami, FL,

Calis G, Deora S, Li N, Becerik-Gerber B, Krishnamachari B. (2011) “Assessment of WSN and RFID Technologies for Real-Time Occupancy Information,” The 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, June 29-July 2, 2011, Seoul, South Korea,

Kwak J, Varakantham P, Tambe M, Klein L, Jazizadeh J, Kavulya G, Becerik-Gerber B, Gerber D. (2011) “Towards Optimal Planning for Distributed Coordination Under Uncertainty in Energy Domains,” 2nd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES 2011) – A Workshop of the 10th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), May 2, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan

2010 and Before


Hajian H, Becerik-Gerber B. (2010) “Scan to BIM: Factors Affecting Operational and Computational Errors and Productivity Loss,” The 27th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 25-27, 2010, Bratislava, Slovakia,

Becerik-Gerber B, Kent D. (2010) “Implementation of Integrated Project Delivery and Building Information Modeling on a Small Commercial Project,” 2010 Associated Schools of Construction Annual International Conference, and International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction – W89, April 07-10, 2010 at the Wentworth institute of Technology

Li N, Becerik-Gerber B. (2010) “Exploring the Use of Wireless Sensor Networks in Building Management,” icccbe2010 & eg-ice10: The International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 2010 & The XVII EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2010, June 30- July 2, 2010, Nottingham, UK,

Becerik-Gerber B, Gerber D, Kunz A. (2010) “Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction: Technology, Methodology, and Advances from Practice,” IGLC 18: 18th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, July 14-16, 2010, Haifa, Israel

Becerik-Gerber B, Samara R. (2009) "An Assessment of Building Information Modeling Value and Use," International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction - IT in Construction (CIB W78), Managing IT in Construction, 1-3 Oct 2009, Istanbul, Turkey,

Hajian H, Becerik-Gerber B. (2009) “A Research Outlook for Real-time Project Information Management by Integrating Advanced Field Data Acquisition Systems and Building Information Modeling,” 2009 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, 24-27 June, 2009, Austin, Texas,

Becerik B, Soto-Rosa G. (2007) “Management and Control Technology for Water/Waste Water Utility Programs,” AWWA/WEF Information Management & Technology Conference, March 4-7, 2007, Austin, Texas

Becerik B. (2005) “Innovative Use of Construction Project Extranets to Facilitate Project Collaboration and Management,” AEC2005, 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Management, 15-17 June, 2005, Rotterdam

Becerik B. (2004) “Suggestions for Improving Adoption of Online Collaboration and Project Management Technology,” 20th Annual Conference of Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM), 1-3 September, 2004, Edinburgh,

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