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LIVES not GRADES that has followed the journey we started over 3 years ago to bring together design, engineering, and storytelling as a way to explore solutions to global crisis, goes live May 4th on PBS SoCal and PBS National on May 5th. 

Work-from-home survey reveals pandemic’s impacts upon employees’ physical and mental health, productivity and daily routines, November 17,2021,

How an Innovative Course is Taking on the Largest Mass Migration Crisis Since the WWII

"Tech for Good" Week Debuts are USC

Dr. Becerik-Gerber elected to National Academy of Construction 

This USC Professor’s Course Is Churning Out Startup Founders,

With the collaboration with USC-ICT Modeling & Simulation team, we are pleased to announce our breakthrough in creating synthetic training data for semantic and instance segmentation of 3D point cloud. We are publishing our complete datasets along with five large real-world testing data for you to benchmark your algorithms with. Please refer to our project website for more details


Dr. Becerik-Gerber is appointed as Dean’s Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.


Dr. Ashrant Aryal, a former iLAB PhD student, starts as a TT Assistant Professor in the Construction Science Department of Texas A&M


Congratulations to Runhe Zhu for successfully defending his PhD proposal titled "Understanding Human-Building-Emergency Interactions in the Built Environment"


Ashrant Aryal defends his thesis titled "Intelligent Agents for Personalizing Indoor Environment and Improving Occupant Comfort in Offices"  

Meida Chen (soon to be Dr. Chen) successfully defended his thesis titled “Semantic Modeling of Outdoor Scenes for the Creation of Virtual Environments and Simulations.”


Congratulations Dr. Ali Ghahramani for starting his academic career at the Department of Building at the National University of Singapore as the Presidential Young Professor!  

Can intuitive building design help stop an active shooter?

i-LAB receives a 2nd workshop on Human-Building Interaction, supported by four different programs at NSF

Lives, Not Grades Teaser 2020,


Six Innovative Ideas to Aid People in Crisis, May 2020


Building Trust between Construction Workers and Construction Robots; How virtual reality can help robots change the face of construction industry, October 2020


This Building might Save your Life, ASCE Podcast, November 2020


How Working from Home Changed Us, After March’s stay-at-home orders took effect, USC researchers studied the impact of widespread work from home (WFH) on well-being and productivity, November 2020


“Viterbi vs. Pandemics” Lecture 11: Environmental Influences on Work from Home, November 2020


US News, December 2020,


NBC News, Researchers Use Active Shooter Simulator to Design Safer Schools, November 22, 2019


USC Viterbi Researchers Awarded Nearly $2 Million by NSF's Pilot Convergence Accelerator and AccelNet Programs 


Can a Building Help Thwart the Next Active Shooter? October, 2019


Designing Tomorrow’s  Workstations, Today, USC Chan Magazine, Spring 2019

Building Automation Technology Can Get Personal, May 2019


Dr. Becerik-Gerber's interview with the Psychology of Technology Institute on Building Intelligent Environments, May 2019

ARUP Research and USC Collaboration on Smart Workspaces

Congratulations to Eyüphan Koç for successfully defending his PhD proposal titled “Comprehensive Resilience Assessment for Transportation Networks in Metropolitan Areas” and becoming a PhD candidate.


Futuristic Buildings Senses Threats and Reacts, Voice of America, August 18, 2019


Our warmest congratulations to Ashrant Aryal for defending his proposal titled "Intelligent Agents for Personalizing Indoor Environment and Improving Occupant Comfort in Offices" and becoming a PhD candidate.

Congratulations to Gökçe Özçelik for successfully defending her thesis titled "Understanding Human-Building Interactions Through Perceptual Decision Making Processes.” 


Virtual Reality and People Centric Design, Alan Turing Institute Blog by Dr. Becerik-Gerber

NSF MX3 Workshop on Human Building Interaction

Real Estate Turns to Tech, January 2019, Los Angeles Business Journal  

How to improve communication between people and smart buildings

Evangelos Pantazis successfully defends his thesis titled “Behavioral Form Finding using Multi Agent Systems.” Congratulations Evan!


@ the public diplomacy magazine, an article about our new course focusing on engineering innovation for wicked problems 

A new podcast about our work at Talk Nerdy, March 11, 2019


iLab’s work on sentient buildings at Voice of America


Sentient Office Buildings Adjust to Workers’ Personal Comfort and Well Being, November 16, 2018

USC students go into refugee camps, Viterbi news, September 26, 2018


Smart desk knows what you need for healthier habits, ECNMag, September 21, 2018


How researchers are designing smart desks of the future, VentureBeat, September 3, 2018


A piece about iLAB's work in PCmag: Are you ready for office buildings with Alexa-like personalities

iLAB member Simin Ahmadi successfully defended her dissertation, titled “Intelligent Adaptive Automation: Activity-Driven ana User-Centered Automation of Appliances and Lighting Systems in Buildings.” Congratulations Simin! 


Congratulations to Ashrant Aryal for receiving the 2018 Viterbi Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award.


Dr. Becerik-Gerber is named Rutherford Visiting Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute. She will work on the data-centric engineering design challenge. The fellowship will foster collaboration between iLAB and Turing researchers.

Congratulations to Dr. Becerik-Gerber for being selected by the Construction Industry Institute to receive the 2017 Celebration of Engineering Technology and Innovation (CETI) award in the Outstanding Early Career Researcher category.   

Evan Pantazis successfully defends his thesis proposal, titled “Behavioral Form Finding using Multi Agent Systems.” Congratulations Evan!!!


Saba Khashe successfully defended her dissertation titled “Enabling Human-Building Communication to Promote Pro-environmental Behavior in Office Buildings.” Congratulations Dr. Khashe!  


Saba Khashe of iLAB receives the 2017 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of the Astani Department.


Pedram Oskouie successfully defended his thesis titled "A Systematic Approach to In-situ Quality Assessment of Scan Data for As-Built Models Using Building-specific Geometric Features". We congratulate Dr. Oskouie and wish him the best in his future career. 


In collaboration with ARUP, iLAB will develop novel service system algorithms to enable Arup's smart desk to learn, and respond to occupants' needs, desires, preferences. By observing its users, and collaborating with them in heterogeneous teamwork environments, the service system will improve human comfort, and productivity and lead to energy optimization. 


Check out the podcast -- based on our work -- that takes places in a futuristic city where buildings are not inanimate but sentient beings, uniquely programmed to suit the physical needs of their residents: CLICK HERE


Dr. Ali Ghahramani joins the Center for the Built Environment at the University of California, Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher. Congratulations Ali! 


Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives 2017 Mellon Mentoring Award (faculty mentoring graduate students category), which honors individual faculty members for helping to build a supportive academic environment. The award recognizes the significant and lasting impact on students Prof. Becerik-Gerber has chosen to guide and support in their professional development.

i-Lab researcher, Arsalan Heydarian, defends his thesis titled, ""A Systematic Approach to Understand and Model the Impact of Lighting Behavior on Building Energy Consumption through Immersive Virtual Environments." We wish Arsalan the best in his future academic career!


i-Lab researcher, Ali Ghahramani defends his thesis titled "Online and Adaptive Learning and Optimization for Human-Centered HVAC Systems Operations".

i-Lab researchers, Ali Ghahramani and Arsalan Heydarian receive the Sonny Astani outstanding Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant award respectively.

i-Lab researcher, Zheng Yang, defends his thesis titled "Building Occupancy Modeling and Occupancy-Loads Relationships for Building Heating and Cooling Energy Efficiency."

i-Lab researcher, Zheng Yang, will start his postdoctoral research at Stanford University.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives the Viterbi Junior Research Award.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives the 2015 Outstanding Reviewer Recognition from ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.


Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives the EAGER grant from NSF.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, receives USC PhD Achievement Award for 2015.

i-Lab researcher, Zheng Yang, has been elected to university-wide honor society USC Phi Kappa Phi.

i-Lab researcher, Pedram Oskouie, presented his research on automated measurement of highway retaining walls’ displacements using terrestrial laser scanners and finished fourth at the USC graduate research symposium.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, defends his thesis titled "user-centric smart sensing for non-intrusive electricity consumption disaggregation in buildings" successfully.

Dr.Burcin Becerik got promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, will start his career as an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech. 



i-Lab researcher, Zheng Yang, receives the Sonny Astani Outstanding Research Assistant award.

i-Lab researchers win the second prize in ESRN (Environmental Sustainability Research Network) poster workshop.


i-Lab researcher, Zheng Yang, is featured in the CEE department as the research assistant of May 2014.


iLAB presents in FIATECH.

First i-Lab graduate student, Nan Li, is recognized with an award for Best Dissertation.

First i-Lab student, Nan Li, defends his thesis titled "a radio frequency based indoor localization framework for supporting building emergency response operations" successfully and will start his career as an Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives NSF CAREER Award. 



i-Lab researcher, Nan Li, receives the Charles Eastman top Phd paper award at the CIB W78.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, receives the Sonny Astani Outstanding Research Assistant award.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, is featured in the CEE department as the research assistant of the month.

Partnered with the Iridescent Learning and Warner Bros, Dr. Burcin Becerik-Gerber will mentor K-12 students in the Gravity Challenge.

The 2013 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (IWCCE) was held at USC's campus on June 23-25, 2013.

i-Lab researchers, Zheng Yang, and Nan Li, are selected to the Diploma in Innovation program.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber is selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering's (NAE) 19th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium.

1 min summary of i-LAB's work at the Engineering Innovation Podcast Series of National Academy of Engineering.

i-Lab researcher, Nan Li, is featured as the research assistant of the month.

Six USC Research Teams, Including i-LAB Researchers, Complete Startup Boot Camp and Receive Nearly $500K to Commercialize Technologies. 


Dr. Becerik talks about iLAB's research at the Emerging Technologies conference of MIT.

i-Lab researcher, Farrokh Jazizadeh, receives Sonny Astani Teaching Assistant (TA) award.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber has been appointed as the inaugural holder of the Stephen Schrank Early Career Chair in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives a second grant from NSF.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber is named among the world's top innovators: 35 Innovators under 35.

Dr. Becerik-Gerber receives a grant from NSF.

i-Lab researcher, Geoffrey Kavulya, receives NSF BELA award.


i-Lab researcher, Nan Li, receives Sonny Astani Research Assistant (RA) award

An expert task force, assembled by ASCE TCCIT DSA committee identifies Grand challenges in Civil Engineering for Data Sensing and Analysis.

A news story about our research: New Sensors and Tools to Track the Multiple Personalities of Buildings.

University of Southern California

University of Southern California

University Park Campus,

Los Angeles, California, 90089



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